HB196: The Gourmet Beer Bill in Alabama Senate

Well, today I am sitting hear listening the Alabama Senate Audio feed. It is hard to believe that we pay these people.

The group can have one person stop the whole process and that is what we are dealing with presently.

Smitherman had started filibustering every bill. With this being the last day, it will kill every bill. During this whole session, the senators have been fighting each and have not passed any bills until these last couple of days.

It looks like these actions will kill the Gourmet Beer Bill.

Any of the Free The Hops members are listening to the feed with me. It is killing us to hear this crap.

The latest issue is the Food Tax Bill. The bill is associated with removing the state sells tax on food while removing to exemption of Federal taxes from Alabama tax. It is basically a shift in taxes from the very poor to everyone else.

More to come…

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