O’Fallon Wheach (Peach Wheat Beer)

I am drinking this beer out on a patio at around 97° F. The patio is 97° F not the beer.

The peach aroma comes out right away when your nose crosses the side of the glass.

The flavor is sweet due the temperature. I would say the temperature is around 55 degrees.

The beer is very drinkable. This beer would be very enjoyable with dessert.

Orbiter by Straight to Ale

Beverly, The Nook’s manager, poured me up one of Straight to Ale’s Orbiter. The style is a Strong Ale. With 13.9% ABV, you would expect the heat from the alcohol, but the malt back bone hides the alcohol completely.

The beer poured smoothly without a head. It had a bit of sweetness throughout the taste. It had similar characteristics of a porter, but with a lot of depth. The flavor did not linger around. It would be a great after dinner beer.

This is of one Straight to Ale’s best beers. It was great to get to try it tonight.

Enjoying a HopSlam

Enjoying a HopSlamKatie Beth is still napping, a chicken is soaking in a brine, and Karen is busy with making Craiglist posts.

I’m relaxing so I have a moment to enjoy a good beer. (I have already run all of my errands.)

James Trolinger (a.k.a.: Jim) was right about this beer. Cellar temperature is the right temperature. In Alabama, a garage is at cellar temperature given our lovely cold weather lately. (I’m ready for Springtime, baseball, and warm weather.)

Tasting A HopSlam Tonight

Tasting HopSlam TonightWell, it has a very citrusy taste with light honey sweetness that is left on front of the tongue. I would say the citrus is biased to grapefruit and kumquat. I go so far as to say the sweetness is very similar to the sweetness of a kumquat’s peel.

The bouquet is full of hops with citrus and floral aspects.

The alcohol is undetectable, which very unexpected given it is over 10%.