Victory HopDevil Ale

Victory HopDevil Ale pours up with a nice head that slowly fades with nice lacing to a minimal head that holds on for awhile.

The aroma is strong with hops while beer is being poured up. The aroma fades to a mellower version of the initial bouquet, but still very hoppy.

The appearance is very nice and clear with a SRM value between 12 and 15.

The taste starts with the bite of the hops with a light maltiness behind it. The hops builds through the finish.

Overall, it is an enjoyable beer, but I think I would have liked it colder. The beer’s flavor was likely affect by being warmed when the refrigerator lost power. The 6.7% ABV makes this beer every drinkable as a session beer, but the strong hops profile could push some away.

Bison Brewing’s Organic Imperial Brown Ale

Bison Brewing’s Organic Imperial Brown Ale pours up with a minimal head, which fades quickly.

The aroma is very mild and with little alkalinity. I expected a stronger hop profile.

The colors is a deep amber, which can still be seen through.

The tastes starts out with malty flavor mixed with hints of dark chocolate. In the finish, the chocolate flavors become stronger. The hop flavors are lost in this beer.

Overall, I am not that impressed with this beer. I have had brown ales with fuller richer tastes, but I expected more from this beer with it being an imperial brown ale. The ABV is 7%, which means it is not too strong.

Tallgrass Brewing Co.’s Ale

Tallgrass Brewing Co.’s Ale pours up nicely with a good head that wades to a little bit of foam and good lacing.

The aroma reminds me of a dark malt or brown ale. There are light chocolate tones.

The mouth feel is very watery, which surprises me. It has a very little body, which doesn’t have much a negative to the overall presentation.

The taste is a light amber malt flavor, which holds on throughout the taste. But, the finish has a little hint of chocolate.

This is a great beer and a very good session beer due to the 4% ABV, but the flavor could be too much for some.

Sea Dog Brewing’s Apricot Wheat Beer

Sea Dog Brewing’s Apricot Wheat Beer is a very enjoyable.

It pours up nicely, but there is little head and it fades fast. The color is a light amber and little hazy.

The aroma is rich in apricot and wheat as expected. It is a tart apricot.

The tastes is very rich with apricot followed by a crisp finish due to the carbonation. I could drink this all day, but it would cause problems at my job.

It could be a session beer for someone like myself that enjoys fruit beers.

Ommegang & Achouffe collaboration of Gnomegang

The Ommegang and Achouffe breweries collaborated to make Gnomegang.

The beer pours up nicely and the head fades quickly. The color is a nice hazy deep wheat color that is just hazy enough to defuse the light from other side.

The aroma is very yeasty with hints of fruit throughout.

The taste starts with a little hint of pepper with fruits like banana and dry cherries.

This a very enjoyable beer and I would recommend it.

Magic Hat Brewing’s Demo I.P.A. On Tour

Magic Hat Brewing’s Demo I.P.A. On Tour is a very interesting.

It pours up with full head that fades slowly to minimal head with a nice lacing. The color is a very deep reddish brown.

The aroma is rich in dark malts and hops, which gives this IPA a boldness that is very enjoyable.

The tastes of hops and malt flavors are ever present on the tongue right at the beginning. The malt is deep giving signs of a complex set of malts being used. The finish is a very enjoyable blend of hops and malt.

The 6% ABV makes this beer very nice to enjoy with friends especially being a part of a sampler.

Magic Hat Brewing’s Circus Boy

Magic Hat Brewing’s Circus Boy is an unfiltered hefeweizen. It pours up cloudy as expected with a deep golden straw color.

The aroma is minimal, but the typical hefeweizen aromas are present just toned down a great deal.

The tastes starts with a light sweetness that fades to a mild Hefeweizen taste profile.

I enjoyed this as a mellow version of a Hefeweizen. But, it would not be the first Hefeweizen to grab.

Sinebrychoff Porter

Sinebrychoff Porter pours up very nicely.

The aroma has a dark chocolate hints with a hoppiness that holds on in the nose.

The flavor starts very dry and the bitterness stays through the finish. There are chocolate tones throughout the flavor profile. The dryness is the primary flavor characteristic in the flavor

Rosenbach 2007 Vintage

Rosenbach 2007 Vintage is an oak aged ale with sourness this is very enjoyable.

It starts with a dry tart cherry aroma. A very little bit of oakiness in the aroma’s finish.

The tastes are very similar, but the flavors of the tart cherry are holding on in the back of the mouth.