Laughing Skull has very nice amber ale flavors, but it is on dry side of the flavors.
There are some sour tones, too.
Katie Beth is still napping, a chicken is soaking in a brine, and Karen is busy with making Craiglist posts.
I’m relaxing so I have a moment to enjoy a good beer. (I have already run all of my errands.)
James Trolinger (a.k.a.: Jim) was right about this beer. Cellar temperature is the right temperature. In Alabama, a garage is at cellar temperature given our lovely cold weather lately. (I’m ready for Springtime, baseball, and warm weather.)
Well, it has a very citrusy taste with light honey sweetness that is left on front of the tongue. I would say the citrus is biased to grapefruit and kumquat. I go so far as to say the sweetness is very similar to the sweetness of a kumquat’s peel.
The bouquet is full of hops with citrus and floral aspects.
The alcohol is undetectable, which very unexpected given it is over 10%.