Going out for Weihenstephaner Hefe Weissbier

I am heading to The Nook around 4 o’clock tomorrow to get some Weihenstephaner’s Hefe Weissbier, which is the highest rated beer available in Alabama. I am not sure what it says about the beer or Alabama.

But, I you can get some highly rated beers in Alabama as long as they don’t have over 6% ABV. You can read more about that problem here.

Come join me at The Nook.

Lakefront IPA

I just got done trying Lakefront IPA at The Nook. It was great. The head looked good. The hop smell and flavor are great. It was a her balanced beer.

I look forward to this being on tap full time at The Nook.

Mmmmmm! Yazoo’s Hop Project #10

Mmmmmm! Yazoo's Hop Project #10It is like wow! The hops flavor is very full, but is not out of control.

I got lucky and received the first pour during the tasting. You see Beverly pouring my beer in the picture.

I just hope everyone drinks up so that I can try Hops Project #11.

The Nook has tapped #11. Awesome! (as John Smith would say.)

They say that #11 is hoppier that #10, but I think it is a completely different kind of hops character.

Heading to the Yazoo Brewing Company Event

Yazoo Hop ProjectI am heading after work today to the Yazoo Brewing Company Event at The Nook in Huntsville, Alabama.

Yazoo has what they call their Hop Projects, which is a series of ever change batches of hoppy beers. The first of these to make it to The Nook was a Fresh Hop I.P.A, which was very well received. I think the keg was finished in about one hour and fifteen minutes.  Lushes. To quote the Yazoo Brewery representative:

Huntsville will always hold a special place in our hearts here at Yazoo.

Tonight, the Yazoo representative will be bringing Hop Project #10 and Hop Project #11 with #11 being to hoppier of the two beers.  The Nook is going to tap the first keg at 5PM and the second keg will be tapped after the first is finished. So, you need to stop by so I can get some of the second keg prior to having to head home.